NemoClinics : services

NemoClinics provides ethical and innovative service for in vivo preclinical pediatric research in newborn mice

  • For exploratory physiological and developmental studies for research
  • For in vivo efficacy and safety studies for paediatric drugs development

Non-invasive monitoring of vital functions in newborn mice

Three-days old mouse pup temperature is measured by infrared thermography.

© NemoClinics


We offer to :

  • provide expert consultancy to adapt our program to your needs
  • perform simultaneous measurements using an innovative non-invasive equipment
  • enable both a reduction in the number of experimental animals required and the optimized management of time and costs
  • provide on demand format report studies

Preclinical studies supporting pediatric drug development : evaluate pediatric safety profile and developmental toxicity issues

Evaluation of pharmaceutical agents for children is now conducted earlier in the drug development process. An important consideration for this pediatric use is how to assess and support its safety.

NemoClinics supplies a comprehensive in vivo screening methodology for new candidate drugs and paediatric indications. Our sensitive and robust tests are particularly effective to investigate toxicity of new paediatric medications in newborn or juvenile rats or mice. This methodology is applicable either at the lead optimization stage or later to address specific phenotyping questions, i.e. in parallel to clinical trial.

NemoClinics experts bring together their pediatric clinical research experience and a significant drug development background to support your Paediatric Investigation Plans (PIP) strategies.

In vivo phenotyping in newborn mice and pediatric disease models

To assist researchers in exploring their rodent models in vivo at birth, NemoClinics provides an innovative service based on years of expertise:

  • because each model is different, we work on a case-by-case basis by adapting our protocols and methods,
  • because the neonatal environment disturbances can affect both the animal during the test and its developmental trajectory, we focus on non-invasive techniques in a controlled environment,
  • because some models are dying soon after birth, we are able to assess their main vital functions from the first few hours after birth.

Case studies

Phenotyping transgenic mice at birth

A human mutation in Phox2b causes lack of CO2 chemosensitivity, fatal central apnea, and specific loss of parafacial neurons Veronique Dubreuil, Nelina Ramanantsoa, Delphine Trochet, Vanessa Vaubourg, Jeanne Amiel, Jorge Gallego, Jean-Francois Brunet, and Christo Goridis. PNAS 2008

Phenotyping transgenic mice from birth to adulthood

The vesicular glutamate transporter VGLUT3 contributes to protection against neonatal hypoxic stress. Stephanie Miot, Nicolas Voituron, Adelaide Sterlin, Erika Vigneault, Lydie Morel, Boris Matrot, Nelina Ramanantsoa, Benedicte Amilhon, Odile Poirel, Eve Lepicard, Salah El Mestikawy, Gerard Hilaire and Jorge Gallego. J Physiol 2012

Developing a neuroprotectant drug

Bench to Cribside: the Path for Developing a Neuroprotectant. Nelina Ramanantsoa, Bobbi Fleiss, Myriam Bouslama, Boris Matrot, Leslie Schwendimann, Charles Cohen-Salmon, and Pierre Gressens. Transl. Stroke Res. 2012

Testing the safety of a drug in juvenile animals, following EMA guidelines

Toxicity study of Ciprofloxacin in neonatal and juvenile mice. Thomas Bourgeois, Fabien Guimiot, Homa Adle-Biassette, Charlotte Castellan, Christelle Grondin, Estelle Durand, Thomas Bontant, Wei Zhao, Jorge Gallego, Chantal Le Guellec, Behrouz Kassaï, Mark Turner, Evelyne Jacqz-Aigrain, Anne-Lise Delezoide, and Boris Matrot.

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