Pierre Alexis Geoffroy and team NeoPhen published a study in J Clin Psychiatry [1], showing that dream alterations and their progression can be readily assessed and may help to better identify prodromal signs of suicidal behaviors. A study highlighted in Inserm magazine n°56 in March 2023.

1: Geoffroy PA, Borand R, Ambar Akkaoui M, Yung S, Atoui Y, Fontenoy E, Maruani J, Lejoyeux M. Bad Dreams and Nightmares Preceding Suicidal Behaviors. J Clin Psychiatry. 2022 Nov 23;84(1):22m14448. doi: 10.4088/JCP.22m14448. PMID: 36416752.

Nightmares seem to predict suicidal behaviors

© NeuroDiderot

In Press

Inserm magazine describes Pierre Alexis Geoffroy and team NeoPhen work, page 15 (in french):

Inserm, le magazine n°56

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