Neuroinflammation – Equipments

Our platform has a whole set of technology to study and analyze the inflammatory process. With our equipments we can do magnetic cell sorting, analyze gene expression, protein experssion and flow cytometry.

GentleMACS™ Octo Dissociator MACS Milenyi Biotec

Standardized tissue dissociation to obtain cell suspensions that are perfectly adapted to cell sorting.

BD LSRFortessa X-20              

Analysis of sub populations with 16 channels using 4 different lasers.

Bio-Plex® 200 Systems BIORAD

Analysis of 100 molecules in one sample.

MultiMACS™ Cell24 Separator MACS Milenyi Biotec

Simultaneous cell sorting of 24 samples using MACS microbead technology.  

Hamilton microlab nimbus

Rapid and standardized sample and PCR mix transfer for quantitative PCR (384 wells).

MACSQuant® Tyto Cell Sorter             

Multiparameter flow cell sorting to isolate pure sub-populations and populations.              

CFX384 Touch™ Real-Time PCR Detection System BIORAD

High-throughput real time qPCR for 384-cell plate.

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