
The platform for the study of Neuroinflammation of the NeuroDiderot laboratory at the Robert Debré Hospital gather a whole set of technology and expertise to study and analyze the inflammatory processes affecting the nervous system.


Neuroinflammation is described as one of the major factors for neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases. Neuroinflammation is characterized by an increase of glial cells reactivity (microglia and astrocytes), often along with brain-blood barrier permeability and leukocyte infiltration. Characterizing those inflammatory mechanisms in order to understand the influence of those cells and their secreted molecules on cerebral functions represent a major challenge for clinical and experimental researches. Working with a team of experts, researchers and engineers, along with advanced equipment, the platform for the study of Neuroinflammation of the NeuroDiderot laboratory at the Robert Debré Hospital gather a whole set of technology and expertise to study and analyze the inflammatory processes affecting the nervous system.


Neuroinflammation Plateform – NeuroDiderot
Inserm UMR1141
Hôpital Robert Debré
48 Bd Sérurier
75019 Paris, France
Juliette Van Steenwinckel, PhD –
Jennifer Hua, PhD –




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