NemoClinics : expertise
Our team developed original devices adapted to newborn mice and carries out research in the field of signal and image computing, software design and bioinformatics.
Expertise in the field of newborn mice phenotyping
The study of mice pups during the first days of life requires specialized expertise offered by NemoClinics team.
© NemoClinics
Discover a list of publications operated by NemoClinics, in international journals such as PNAS, J Neurosci., PLOS Genet., Annals Neurol., Anesthesiology, Am J Respir Crit Care Med.
Technology expertise
Our innovative technologies have been developed the members of the team SleepCmd, in the NeuroDiderot Institute of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm) located in Robert Debré Hospital in Paris, and headed by Pr. Pierre Gressens. This outstanding technology has received awards from prestigious institutions:
- Diderot Innovation Award 2007
- Apple Research and Technology Support Award 2009
- Inserm Innovation prize 2010
NemoClinics is working in close collaboration with:
- SleepCmd team of NeuroDiderot Institute (UMR 1141) Inserm – Université Paris Cité : laboratory of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research, located at Robert Debré Hospital in Paris.
- PremUp: foundation for scientific cooperation on pregnancy and prematurity. website
- FHU I2D2: Early Identification of Individual Trajectories in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. website
Our team – your experts for newborn mice testing
The NemoClinics team has extensive expertise in newborn rodent phenotyping and data analyses.
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Advancing psychiatry through Sleep and Chronobiology research
The “Mood” research axis of the SleepCmd team is dedicated to understanding the intricate links between sleep, circadian rhythms, and mood disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder, and suicide. Using state-of-the-art methods, the...
Job opportunity within The Integrative Genomics in Neurodevelopment group
The Integrative Genomics in Neurodevelopment group is seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral researcher. Check out the opportunity here: Post-doc researcher position in Computational Biology
Sleep2Develop research program
The Sleep2Develop program investigates the role of sleep as a promotor of neurodevelopment and identifies the sleep determinants of childhood development. This is rephrased as Sleep(to)Develop? or Sleep(to)Develop! Our sleep research combines clinical and...
Job opportunity
NemoClinics platform is hiring an engineer. Check out the opportunity here: U 1141 -Ingénieur-e en expérimentation et instrumentation biologiques- CDD 2023 Read more